Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Quick Update

It has been a while since I've done anything for the Leap device I have. It really has been a whole host of personal issues that kept me away. I think it mostly stemmed from the frustration of having to deal with the Xcode development environment which was not familiar to me, and for which I was (and still am a little) hesitant to dive deeply into. There were also other frustrations with the Leap API - back then, you had to implement your own code for determining which pointing objects were what whenever they went out of the device's tracking range. Also other than simply measuring my fingers, I really didn't have much of an idea of anything cool and fun I could work on. I still do not. Finally, I've been fighting a number of physical and emotional issues the past few months, including a debilitating skin eczema that still afflicts me now. So I am hardly focused on any one thing right now.

Meanwhile, the Leap SDK had grown significantly, and in pretty exciting ways. The language support has improved, and I'm particularly excited about the new way they allowed the Leap device to be used with javascript, and the Unity 3D development engine.

So I'll continue to casually play around with the new SDK, and think about what I'd like to do with it. I had been wanting to mess around with Unity 3D for a while now, so this might be a good chance to do both.

Edit: I'd also like to add that the reason I felt interested to try to play around with Leap development again was my discovery of Kitware's Cmake build features, which could help me work around a development environment's (like Xcode's) idiosyncrasies I am unfamiliar with, and just focus on the code. 

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